Who We're Looking For

Online Network If you have found yourself thinking about selling your website business, you’re in the right place. As purchasers of web hosting companies, we’re looking for a good fit. The best merger and acquisition transactions are those that present the least amount of shock and change to their customer base. We care about the small businesses we host and ensure their needs are met. We’re searching for website businesses that know their customers by name and can tell us about them. Ideally, their websites are WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Flat HTML, or other LAMP-Compatible sites.

The best customers are those who are used to spending a little bit more each month for hosting that includes service. This could be a $15-$60/month for hosting, and reasonable limits on email addresses or a cost associated with their number. Our website hosting is comprehensive and includes backups, upgrades, fast support without trouble tickets, and more. It’s what we call business class hosting. We don’t bother our customers with a lot of technical details. We just take care of everything they need. 

If your website business has a similar approach and similar customers, the transition is easy. If not, reach out to us anyway. Often we find that customers are willing to pay a little bit more to get some attention. Follow the link to learn more about our company, WordwrightWeb